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Recent Study Finds Yet Another Risk to Your Mental Health: Gum Disease

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — advanceddayton @ 7:33 pm
Woman holding her head, clearing stressing out

It seems like there’s been an outbreak of articles linking this, that, and the other to mental health. Would you be excited to find out that yet another study has discovered yet another link? Probably not, but it’s best to be informed, especially since this one can result in tooth loss! You see, researchers have found that gum disease increases your risk of anxiety, depression, and stressful autoimmune issues.

To find out how to avoid gum disease’s smattering of complications, just keep reading.

Teeth, Image, and Confidence

People use their mouths to communicate and show emotion, so it’s no small wonder that flawed teeth tend to make people self-conscious. Gum disease eats away at dental supports such as your oral tissue and jawbone. As these structures shift, your teeth can become crooked or even loose. Many lose confidence in their appearance as a result and start to avoid smiling, laughing, and taking photos. Over time, this can take a serious toll on someone’s mental wellbeing.

The Gum Disease Rollercoaster

When you’re told you have gum disease, you might experience several emotions at once – especially if the cause was poor oral hygiene. Guilt, shame, and embarrassment aren’t uncommon among those with oral infections. Losing teeth can also be quite traumatic, which could contribute to anxiety and depression. On top of that, as treating gum disease becomes necessary, these emotions can build into an outright fear of the dentist.

Know that a compassionate dentist will do everything they can to make you feel comfortable, welcome, and safe. They want to help you get your oral health back on track, not condemn or judge you. If you’re ever nervous about an upcoming appointment, give them a call. They’d be happy to help ease your distress.

Physical Stress Equals Mental Stress

To put it very simply, gum disease has a few quirks that can trigger or aggravate certain autoimmune conditions, including:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Psoriasis

Needless to say, issues like these can be quite stressful. When our physical health suffers, we often experience a strain on our mental health as well.

Protecting Your Health

Now, that was a lot of information, so let’s narrow it down to one major takeaway: it’s important to take care of yourself, and that includes taking care of your teeth! The best way to prevent gum disease and all of its undesirable complications is to simply take two minutes twice a day to brush. Brush twice a day, floss once per day, and visit your dentist for a professional cleaning biannually – that’s the standard recommendation, and it’s quite effective.

Should you notice swollen, inflamed, or bleeding gums, talk to your dentist right away. The good news in all of this is that gum disease is easy to treat when it’s caught early. With some dedicated preventative care and help from your dentist’s trained eye, you can stop gum disease before it gets the chance to affect your quality of life.

About the Practice

Dr. Parthiv Patel can help you restore and maintain your oral health, but also know the importance of helping you feel safe and comfortable! To ensure this, Dr. Patel promotes a judgment-free space and will make sure you’re well-informed about your treatment. If you’d like help with your oral hygiene or gum disease, contact our office at 937-848-5986 or visit their website for a full list of services.

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