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Pigmented Prosthetics: Can Coffee Stain Veneers?

September 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — advanceddayton @ 6:27 pm
Cup of coffee on a brown cloth with the steam creating a heart

Did you know that September 29th is National Coffee Day? If you plan to celebrate by toasting with your favorite latte or espresso, you’re in good company; an estimated 73% of Americans drink it daily.

As much as it pleases your tastebuds and uplifts your energy, this beany beverage can also cause discoloration. You might already know it’s prone to staining your natural teeth, but what about those with veneers? Will it have the same impact on your prosthetics? Continue reading to learn more about it!

How Does Coffee Cause Stains?

Coffee and other dark drinks like tea, wine, and certain sodas contain tannins. These naturally occurring compounds are found in various plants, giving them the bitter flavor you’ve come to enjoy. These deeply toned particles bind with proteins and other particles in your mouth and cling to your teeth, leaving them looking worse for wear.

Do Veneers Stain Like Natural Teeth?

The teeth you’re born with are made of organic materials containing tiny microscopic pores that readily absorb different ingredients, like tannins. Thankfully, that’s not true of veneers, usually made from resilient porcelain. This ceramic is non-porous, so it’s better able to resist discoloration. On top of that, it’s also coated with a glaze that is so durable that it can prevent stains, chips, and other forms of damage.

However, that doesn’t mean that your restorations are completely impervious to harm. Repeated and prolonged exposure to coffee and other dark drinks can eventually tint them a dimmer hue.

How Can I Avoid Staining My Veneers?

When your natural teeth are discolored, they can often be effectively whitened with topical treatments. The same isn’t true for your veneers; they won’t respond to the bleaching agents the same way. That means prevention is key to keeping them looking bright and clean in the long run.

You can prevent problems by:

  • Reduce your consumption of berries, coffee, tea, red wine, and other pigmented foods.
  • Brush and floss twice daily to remove plaque and blemishes on the surface of your teeth.
  • Quit smoking because tobacco products contain nicotine and other chemicals that can mar your appearance.
  • Visit your dentist every six months for a routine checkup and cleaning to ensure everything’s in good shape.

If you’ve had your prosthetics for a while and they’re starting to look worn, a professional cleaning might be able to restore them. However, if they’re more severely damaged and discolored, it may be time to consider replacing them.

Although coffee doesn’t affect your veneers the same way it does your teeth, drinking less of it can keep them looking pristine!

About the Practice

At Advanced Dentistry of Dayton, people of all ages benefit from two skilled dentists who provide a full array of services from one convenient location. Dr. Patel takes the time to get to know you so that when a problem comes up, he can quickly devise individualized treatment plans to address it. Then, he utilizes state-of-the-art equipment to deliver accurate, long-lasting results. If you’re interested in getting veneers, you can request a consultation on the website or call (937) 848-5986.

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